Interconnect management 

Managing today’s voice and messaging networks is constraining and difficult. Operators undertake best endeavors daily to secure the best balance between cost and quality that is fundamental to their business, while providing the right experience to their mobile, fixed or roaming customers. ELITE BUSINESS provides the right tools for managing the cost of outbound international interconnect traffic through its optimal business routing solution to be implemented at the network switch level.

Our integrated InterTools solution offers:

Inter-operator commercial contract management: Inter-operator contracts are quite tricky to manage. Our solution allows operators to ensure more efficient negotiation and implementation of contracts with their international partners.

Automated and comprehensive hubbing price list management: Buying and selling hubbing contracts is a very complex process. Our integrated InterTools solution provides the right tools for the automated management of this type of contracts, allowing also the forecasting and the optimization of costs through automated proposals of least cost routing plans, which feature is embarked in the LCRTools Module.

Billing and reconciliation: Our InterTools solution provides an integrated billing and dispute management system for local and international interconnection traffic, allowing for easy management of related complexity and new services. Indeed inaccurate billing and lengthy disputes can all result in denied or delayed revenue, with a substantial impact on cash flow.

Fraud Management

Business Assurance


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